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graze cattle是什么意思

发布时间:2020-11-20 作者: 英语查

graze cattle 是什么意思


graze:    短语和例子 graze2 vt. 1.轻擦;擦破(皮肤) ...
cattle:    n. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.牛;家畜;〔俚语〕马 ...


1.And get your damn free - graze cattle moving

2.And get your damn free - graze cattle moving

3.The business of grazing cattle

4.There was a site on our land with a view of the pasture and grazing cattle

5.The maps reveal that more than one third of the world ' s land is being used to grow crops or graze cattle
这份地图显示超过1 / 3的世界土地正在为种植谷物或放牧所使用。

6." the maps show , very strikingly , that a large part of our planet ( roughly 40 % ) is being used for either growing crops or grazing cattle , " said dr navin ramankutty , a member of the wisconsin - madison team
地图显示,非常显著地,我们星球的一大部分(约40 % )被用来种植作物或放牧,威斯康辛-麦迪逊团队一员的的纳文?拉曼克提表示。

7.As one of the contracted agricultural technology extension project in shanxi province , the jinnan cattle feeding and management technical package exte nsion project , assigned by science and technology committee of shanxi province i n 1999 , directed on the problems , such as extensive cattle feeding and managemen t , low sale percentage of commercial beef cattle , low meat production , low repro ductive survive rate of cows and poor economic returns , to increase the scientif ic contents and economic returns of cattle industry by adopting technical packag e including beef cattle crossbreeding , beef cattle feeding and management , cow ' s feeding and nutrition , calf raising , stover processing , and supplementation for grazing cattle in winter and spring etc

上一篇: graze a field是什么意思

下一篇: grazier是什么意思
